[/media-credit] David and Michelina Roth won the Jola’s certificate!
In June, EnviroGorge created a food quiz to create awareness about environmental impacts of our food and HAVE FUN! Although we have awarded prizes to the winners (drawn at random from those who submitted their answers), you may still take it—-just for fun.
Click here to take the quiz: Test Your Food IQ
Thank you to our sponsors for donating prizes: Jola’s Food Cart, Gorge Grown, Stoked Roasters, Columbia Gorge Organic.
They were awarded to: Michelina and Dave Roth, White Salmon. Dan Richardson, The Dalles. Amy Lindley, White Salmon. Deanne Converse, Stevenson. Karen Harding, Mt. Hood. Linda Osborne, Medford. Beth Flake, Hood River. Kyra Gorski, White Salmon.
Out of all the tough questions, the most often missed one was about which organizations certify farms that meet environmental practice standards. Most people incorrectly guessed that the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center does not certify for environmental standards. Although they may be more well-known for research and conservation efforts, the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center does in fact certify coffee farms. Beans with their bird-friendly certification must be organic and produced under high-quality shade requiring the use of native shade trees and combinations of foliage that provide habitat for migratory birds and native wildlife.
The correct answer to that question was Fair Trade Sustainability Alliance. Although Fair Trade is a well-known and important certification, their goal is to improve farmers and workers quality of life through fair trade and sustainable community development. They do NOT certify on environmental sustainability.
Thanks to everyone for participating and reading EnviroGorge. We strive to create awareness about environmental issues that affect us all.
We had some laughs at the creative answers to our open-ended bonus question:
Why did the pasture-raised chicken cross the road? We put some of our favorites in the graphic below for you to enjoy.

Why did the pasture-raised chicken cross the road? Reader responses.