By Miko Ruhlen. April 25, 2016. The Envirogorge team created a Tree of Questions for the Gorge Earth Day Celebration on April 20, 2016 in Hood River, Oregon. We asked adults and children at the event to write on leaves and stick them to the tree. Below are answers to the question on the left side of the Tree of Questions: What Concern do I have about the Gorge environment?

Contaminants in the Columbia River Hanford Pollution Coal Trains PesticidesSalmon Warming temperatures in the Columbia 90º April Accelerating glacier melt  Urban trails Litter on hiking trails  Clean water for everyone Nestle  Bottled water Over use/depletion of ground water Cats outdoors eating birds Dams Clam shells Food security Population

For inspiration, we asked people to answer the question: What one thing can I do to help the environment? We also interviewed people at the event and video-taped their answers; here is part one of the video.

We enjoy reading the the leaves attached to the right side of the Tree of Questions answering, What one thing can I do to help the environment ?

Reuse Recycle Don’t litter  Pick up trash Pack out others’ litter Drive your car less Walk and bike so you don’t make pollution Grow a garden Grow organic  Compost Keep cats indoors or build a “catio” Stop using plastic Volunteer at an Earth Day clean up Do good work Letters to the editor Build green Solar panels Supporting farms Growing food access Protest

The ideas don’t stop there, see what these Gorge residents have to say about what they do to help the environment.

Kids had a lot to say too! This video is a favorite, especially the ending.

We would love to hear from you in the comments section or on Facebook about what things concern you about the Gorge Environment, and what things you do to help the Gorge environment!
