Join the EnviroGorge Tour:
Roosevelt Regional Landfill & Klickitat County Gas-to-Energy Plant
Thursday September 28, 2017

Find out where your garbage goes. See how landfills turn trash into electricity. Learn how a landfill works. See the newest job creator. We’ll take a private tour with managers of Roosevelt Regional Landfill and Klickitat County’s gas-to-energy plant–the largest in the U.S. See the newest way to reuse our waste: a metal recovery plant on the landfill.

Date: Thursday, September 28, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Meet: Hood River
Cost: $45 for person includes snacks and transportation.
Leader: Susan Hess
Advance registration required. As the bus holds 16, so please book today! 
Register online in advance through Hood River Community Education.

If you need help with online registration , contact:
Hood River Community Education at 541-386-2055 or EnviroGorge susanh(at)

Learn more by reading Landfills: Garbage the New Gold.