How to keep recyclables out of the landfill: use less. Take the EnviroGorge Recycle challenge. Send us what you’re doing to reduce waste. Comment below on our website. Email us. Post on our Facebook page. Here are some ideas. We’re sure you have more!
- Request: no drinking straws. Americans use over five-hundred million plastic straws per day yet most are not recycled and end up in landfills and oceans. Be proactive and sip sans straw or purchase reusable straws.
- Bring your own travel mug for your morning drive-through coffee. Starbucks gives out 4 billion to-go cups annually but most of them end up in the landfill because they are lined with plastic.
- Clamshells are for clams. Recycling centers in Oregon recently stopped accepting clear plastic ‘clamshell’ containers. Request your take-out and baked goods be placed in a recyclable container or bring your own.
- Use reusable shopping bags not only for groceries, but for everything you buy. Plastic bags are soiling the planet, with 60,000 plastic bags being consumed in the U.S. every 5 seconds. Invest in durable cloth bags.
- Shop local to reduce online delivery packaging. Our online shopping has cardboard consequences.