“What we need to do is find a way of putting the planet in every decision that we take however small.” -Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos.
With permission from David Bollier, we share this short film Re-Imagine the Future published September 26, 2016. This film gives perspectives on how to overcome the crises of our time with new ways of thinking, acting and being.
It echoes the thread of many EnviroGorge stories: about people taking personal initiative in our Gorge community taking care of our environment one action at a time – through personal responsibility and by putting the environment first.
About 4 minutes into this film, Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos states, “What we need to do is find a way of putting the planet in every decision that we take however small – and really there is no other alternative…what you are going to change, though, is your neighborhood, is your garden… small revolutionary steps.”
David Bollier cites ways that some of the changes are already present in our communities: the slow food movement, re-localization of our economy, citizen science efforts, but the challenge is that they are not always recognized by public policy or supported by laws and our culture at large.
Bollier states, “After all, the answers are not going to come from somewhere else; they have to start with us, personally and locally, and expand outward. We need to re-imagine the future.”