Workshop and fundraiser for EnviroGorge – Saturday May 20, 2017 9:00-11:30 a.m. Location: Hood River Cost:$15
Plant a yard full of flowers, shrubs, trees and you get a haven for birds, bees, butterflies. You see a landscape that changes day by day, season by season. And once planted, it cares for itself. Contrast that with an unchanging lawn that must be weeded, mowed, fertilized, mowed, weeded, raked.
EnviroGorge is offering a morning workshop on the easy way to take out a lawn and replace it with whatever plants you like: vegetables berries, flowers, shrubs, trees. Part I will be a demonstration on a home lawn. You will see the method and materials needed. Part II of the morning will be a visit to a home site where lawn was removed and planted with native plants. This class is a fund-raising project for EnviroGorge. Register in advance for details at at Hood River Community Education. For more information email us at hess(at)