You came to our magazine, EnviroGorge, as a reader seeking information and inspiration about the Gorge environment.
Now we come to ask for your help. The need for quality reporting on our Columbia River Gorge environment is greater than ever. Will you consider becoming a supporter by making a gift?
Envirogorge, LLC was founded with private funds, but to continue providing independent environmental journalism, we must now rely on your generosity.
We are launching a $10,000 campaign that will help?allowing us to pay talented local freelance journalists to tell the important stories of this special place, our home, the Columbia Gorge.
The Gorge holds a thousand treasured places between the eastern sage steppe and the Cascade Mountain forests to the west. One area I personally love: Columbia Hills State Park lying in the Gorge’s northeast end. You hike up a steep gravel road across grasslands to the rounded spine of the Columbia Hills. In spring, wind-pushed clouds pour over the ridge; wildflowers carpet wide-open acres. Oak woodlands grow in the hills’ folds, sheltered from wind and summer sun. Tawny slopes fade east around a bend in the river. To the south, Oregon stretches to the horizons, topped by Mt. Hood.
This breathtaking spot encapsulates what I’m trying to do. I love this Gorge. Many of us do. And it seems to me it is worth doing things that make this place last—now more than ever.
For the upcoming year, EnviroGorge will use your funds to write about the issues and people important to you and our Gorge community. On our site you’ll see links to a few stories we’ve covered this year. These efforts take talented people doing good work. And, of course, money.
Will you help us continue to do this work for the Columbia Gorge in 2017 and beyond? Can you help us reach our $10,000 goal? We cannot do significant independent reporting without your help. We know many worthy businesses, groups and causes seek your help. We would be honored if you choose to support EnviroGorge.
Susan Hess, Publisher
EnviroGorge, LLC
Click to contribute (Paypal, Visa, MC)
or mail to: P.O. Box 163, Hood River, OR 97031
-Continue our work $10-$30
-Youth outreach $50-100
-Hire Freelance writers $125-$250
-Sponsor our site $300-$1,000
Gifts of $50 or more will receive a free non-invasive flower mix seed packet and will be entered into a drawing to receive a free copy of Landscaping with Natives in the Columbia Gorge by Jurgen Hess (please send us your address). EnviroGorge LLC is not a non-profit entity so you will not receive a letter for your taxes.
To advertise email us at Susanh(at) Don't forget to subscribe for free by hitting the subscribe button on the home page!
Thank you for your generosity!
Congratulations to Rebecca Montgomery – You won the drawing for Jurgen’s book on native plants! We will mail it to you.