Jurgen Hess doing outreach for EnviroGorge at the Science Fair in White Salmon

For Earth Day this year (April 22, 2017), EnviroGorge participated in a science fair in White Salmon, Washington.  March for Science – White Salmon sponsored this event, a satellite for the Washington D.C. March. Over 300 people gathered to celebrate science.

EnviroGorge asked visitors two questions. What concerns you about the Gorge environment, and what can you do to help the environment? Small children, youth and teens, men with babies on their backs, women carrying signs for the march, almost everyone asked wanted to voice their concerns or solutions. Their responses were written on paper leaves and added to our tree and later portrayed in graphics below.

Question #1: What concern do I have about the Gorge environment?

[media-credit name=”Graphic by Miko Ruhlen” align=”aligncenter” width=”750″][/media-credit]

Question #2: What one thing can I do to help the environment?

[media-credit name=”Graphic by Miko Ruhlen” align=”aligncenter” width=”750″][/media-credit]


EnviroGorge asked these same questions last year at the 2016 Earth Day celebration hosted by Gorge Owned. If you are curious to read those responses, see the article we posted after that event at this link.

Feel free to add a virtual leaf to our tree by adding a comment to this post. We love to hear from our readers. Make your voice heard and concerns known.

Photographs of the March for Science in White Salmon on April 22 by Jurgen Hess:

(Photos No longer available)


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