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Shocking development: Gorge Commission reverses course on urban expansion in National Scenic Area

A unanimous vote by Columbia River Gorge Commission marks the first major change to urban boundary policy in more than three decades

Aug 12, 2020
12 minutes

Wolverines break through … finally!

Inside the inspiring effort that confirmed the first reproductive wolverine den in Washington’s southern Cascade Range in modern times

Jun 11, 2020
16 minutes

EVs in Eastern Oregon?

As electric car manufacturers continue to increase the range of their vehicles, today’s battery technology is getting EV drivers farther and farther from home on a single charge. But the amount of EV infrastructure available to the public will need to grow and change accordingly in order to give drivers the confidence they need to get from one end of the Beaver State to the other...

Mar 26, 2020
12 minutes

The Return of Clearwater Coho

Against the odds, the Nez Perce tribe is coaxing coho to return to their ancestral river

Feb 6, 2020
8 minutes

Steigerwald Restoration: Reconnecting a floodplain to the Columbia

Managed as part of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Complex since 1987, the Steigerwald Refuge sits right at the western boundary of the Columbia River Gorge. And this year, it will undergo a major transformation: being reconnected to the river...

Jan 9, 2020
8 minutes

United by a River, Divided Over Management

A land sale proposed by Weyerhaeuser exposes the divide between two Wild and Scenic River advocates, private landowners, and federal river managers on the White Salmon River...

Nov 28, 2019
17 minutes
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