

An old technology produces a new view of Columbia River

Photographer Robbie McClaran spent eight years documenting industrial impacts along the course of the river. Now his work goes on display

Feb 17, 2022
8 minutes

¿Necesitó matar al oso Creswell?

Un encuentro violento muestra pensamientos turbios en la forma en que evaluamos la interacción con la vida silvestre

Jun 1, 2020
5 minutes

Americans should broaden perspective and moderate expectations on modernized Columbia River Treaty: An Opinion

Now that the Columbia River Treaty is up for revision, public utility districts and others are insisting that the U.S. negotiating team must secure deep cuts to the Canadian Entitlement — or terminate the agreement...

Jan 23, 2020
4 minutes

Ordenanza sobre la bolsa de White Salmon, probable pero incierta

Parece probable que la Ciudad de White Salmón sea el 34° municipio del Estado de Washington en promulgar alguna variación de la prohibición de las bolsas de plástico...

Jan 14, 2020
6 minutes

Another Perspective on Landfill Gas and Carbon Capture

How we transition to a clean and renewable energy future can sometimes be a complicated and nuanced issue. This is never truer than when talking about proposed energy solutions on the fringe of our economy and industries, such as with landfill gas and carbon capture technologies...

Oct 31, 2019
5 minutes

Navigating a Connection to Nature

In hindsight, I hadn’t chosen all this time in nature, and I could not appreciate how that time spent playing and exploring in the woods might benefit me...

Sep 5, 2019
5 minutes

Nación Yakama y Columbia Riverkeeper Exigen Limpieza del Gobierno en la Isla Bradford

Hubo un tiempo en el que no tuvimos que pensar dos veces antes de comer un pescado capturado en el río Columbia. Pero gracias a décadas de contaminación sin control en el complejo de la presa de Bonneville, algunos de los peces residentes de Columbia ahora se consideran demasiado tóxicos para comer...

Aug 27, 2019
8 minutes

Very Scary and Quite Contrary: An opinion

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service recently announced that the Trump administration is “improving the implementation regulations of the Endangered Species Act”...

Aug 22, 2019
3 minutes
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