Crayfish are playing a surprising role in the fight for clean water
Citizen scientists are also major contributors to a project that utilizes the freshwater crustaceans in a novel way
Citizen scientists are also major contributors to a project that utilizes the freshwater crustaceans in a novel way
Suggested revisions to the 30-year-old Northwest Forest Plan include a call for more cutting in northern spotted owl habitat
The United States and Canada have announced a tentative agreement that updates the 60-year-old treaty. Critics say it's "business as usual"
The Last 100 Miles debuts in Portland on July 9. Additional screenings to be held in Hood River, The Dalles, Maupin
But the retail behemoth will barely feel any pain over a penalty that amounts to a fraction of what it might have been
But advocates call new federal guidelines for chemicals used in tires an important step in ending “urban stream syndrome”