Dac Collins

Dac Collins

Dac Collins

About Dac Collins

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So far Dac Collins has created 71 blog entries.
Jul 19, 2018

The Last Place for a Mine

2019-02-27T14:37:59-08:00Jul 19 2018|Categories: Features, Natural Resources, Old Articles, Resource Extraction|Tags: |2 Comments

By Dac Collins. July 19, 2018. Among the freshwater gems that drain the western slopes of the Cascades, southwest Washington’s Green River is the coveted emerald. The remote upper section of river, located within the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, is a state-designated gene bank for endangered wild steelhead, while its lower reaches provide clean drinking water for residents of the Cowlitz Valley. But a coalition of environmental organizations say the Green is also one of the Pacific Northwest’s most endangered watersheds due to the U.S. Forest Service’s recent decision to allow a Canadian prospecting company to conduct exploratory hard-rock mining near its headwaters. Read more...

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