Dac Collins

Dac Collins

Dac Collins

About Dac Collins

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So far Dac Collins has created 71 blog entries.
May 3, 2018

Nobody, Anybody and Everybody: A modern-day water crisis

2019-02-27T14:42:41-08:00May 3 2018|Categories: Features, Kids, More, Old Articles, Water|2 Comments

By Charlie Bloomer. May 3, 2018. Residents of Cape Town find themselves in a dire situation as the coastal city's municipal water supply continues to shrink drastically. As "Day Zero" approaches, people from all over the world are watching to see what will happen next. Fully aware of the gravity of the situation, a group of concerned 5th graders from Oregon Trail Academy sent in this thoughtful poem about the modern-day water crisis...

Apr 19, 2018

Dispatch From the Trail: A volunteer’s perspective

2019-04-11T10:01:01-07:00Apr 19 2018|Categories: Climate Change, Conservation, Features, Forestry, Old Articles, Wildfire|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

By Dac Collins. April 19, 2018. The Pacific Crest Trail Association’s Mt. Hood Chapter is currently working to restore roughly 29 miles of trails within the Eagle Creek burn area. And like most of the other groups allowed to work in the closed-off wilderness area, the PCTA’s crews are made up almost entirely of volunteers. In honor of National Volunteer Week, we would like to express our gratitude to the volunteers who are working tirelessly to restore our public trails...  

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