By Lauren Church. Aug. 2, 2018. The American Tree Farm System (ATFS) was established on June 12, 1941– making it the oldest forest certification program in the United States. Developed to recognize landowners who sustainably manage their land, ATFS encourages positive forest stewardship in forest owners across our nation. The American Tree Farm System has certified over 22 million acres of private forests by their standards of commitment to practicing sustainable forestry since their inception almost 80 years ago.

Standards for becoming a certified landowner were developed by ATFS panels, input from the public, and information from scientists. Some of the 2015-2020 Tree Farm Standards include: compliance with laws, reforestation and afforestation, biodiversity, forest aesthetics, and protective species sites.

ATFS has expanded over the years; now, there is a branch of the program in nearly every American state. Events and seminars on how to manage a healthy, sustainable private forest are regularly held in various counties of participating states. At member meetings, tools and resources to help landowners keep their land healthy and productive are discussed and innovated. Over the years, the program has built a growing community of ambassadors for voluntary sustainable forest stewardship.