By Susan Hess. June 7, 2018. Friends of Mt. Adams is one of the latest organizations to voice opposition to pending congressional bills that would allow mechanized transport, including mountain biking, in federally designated wilderness areas. The mountain bike organization, Sustainable Trails Coalition, is one of the most vocal groups in favor of the bills. A group of 150 organizations have joined to oppose the bills including Portland Mazamas, Sierra Club, Cascade Forest Conservancy, Wilderness Watch, and Izaak Walton League.

If passed, the two bills (Senate bill S.2877 and House bill H.R. 1349) would change the intent of the1964 Wilderness Act, which specifically excluded all types of mechanized transport including bicycles in designated wilderness. A 1990 amendment to the Americans with Disabilities Act allowed wheelchairs in wilderness.

The Act established a National Wilderness Preservation System of federal lands “where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.”

Trapper Creek Wilderness, Washington