Eagle Creek Fire. Monday, 9-4-2017, 7:00 p.m.
Fire officicals have combined the Eagle Creek and Indian Creek fire to be managed under one Incident Management Team.
ODOT issued late the afternoon the following highway closure alert:
- I-84, 2 miles West of Hood River MP 62; Closure
The highway is closed WB at Exit 62: West Hood River / Westcliff Drive. Trucks use US-26 as alternate route.
Updated: 09/04/2017 5:53 pm - I-84, 4 miles East of Multnomah Falls MP 35; Closure
The highway is closed EB at Exit 35: Ainsworth State Park. Trucks use US-26 as alternate route.
Updated: 09/04/2017 5:53 pm
Photos below: Map of fire comlex. Cascade Locks resident Dave Gierke watering roof and lawn to protect his home. Night photo: BPA transmission lines eerie silhouette in the fire glow.
Incident Commander, Shawn Sheldon said there will be an infrared flight over the fire tonight to determine the boundary of the fire and locate hotspots. For more information: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5584 or Incident contact phone: 541-392-1632, email: eaglecreekfire2017@gmail.com.
Please take care of yourselves, Jurgen and Susan and all you firefighters and reporters struggling to handle this fire. And thoughts and best wishes to the folks in Cascade Locks!
Paula Friedman
Thanks, Paula. Looks like the smoke will be thick in Portland metro area too.
Thank you, Susan, and yes, the smoke was thick here, especially Monday and Tuesday. Since Wednesday, it’s mostly cleared out; meanwhile, there was black ash fallen on the floor below the a/c inlet. Frightening that the fire may now turn back on Hood River/Parkdale; still, that’s quite a distance, still, from the fire (I hope). (writing this 5pm Friday). EnviroGorge’s coverage of this has been great.
It’s kept us flying trying to keep up and get accurate information out on our website and Facebook.