By Jenni (McQueeney) Cooper. Sept. 12, 2015. My father began taking my brother and me up to Bird Creek Meadows over 30 years ago. We went nearly every summer, and as the years went on our little three person group grew into many as my dad LOVED to share the beauty of this Mountain. He passed away 12 years ago, and we continued to go for about 4-5 days with friends and family, almost like a beautiful yearly memorial.

Each year, on a Saturday morning we would have a scrumptious huckleberry pancake breakfast followed by hiking from Bird Lake up through Bluff Lake to Hell Roaring, onto shale ridge (Whale Back) to the Glacier Lake, where the water is the most brilliant blue/green I have ever seen, and continued on to Base Camp.

All the while making stops to soak up the beauty and tranquility of it all. The old growth and new growth. The tall trees and dwarf trees. The small fragrant bushes and the bright desert paint brush and taking pictures of the views and the waterfalls. On the way back down, we would hook into the Round the Mountain Trail somewhere near Frog Pond and finally walk along the back side of Bird Lake to our campground. Just one of many adventures we would take and share with others.

This Mountain is my absolute favorite place on earth. It is filled with wonderful memories. It is my happy place. When I saw the post Cougar Fire pictures yesterday I was devastated. I feel as though a piece of me has died. I grieve for that gorgeous Mountain and all who live there.My family and friends and I will be going up to help replant when we get the okay from the rangers. It was nice to see your piece on this (What I Will Miss). I share in your feelings of loss. Thank you for the opportunity comment.