By Dac Collins. June 13, 2019. A picture is worth a thousand words, and these snapshots from the Oregon Department of Energy’s Solar Dashboard speak volumes about the growth of Oregon’s solar industry over the past two decades.
Launched in April of this year, the Oregon Solar Dashboard is a wealth of information regarding the state’s solar energy capabilities. It shows the rapid expansion of solar facilities that has occurred in recent years, not only in terms of large-scale utilities, but also the prevalence of smaller-scale residential and commercial systems.
The Dashboard also shows the dramatic decrease in the cost per watt of solar electricity since 1999 — a reduction of approximately 75 percent.
The Oregon Dept. of Energy developed the dashboard “as part of a larger effort to quantify trends in the energy sector and make data available to stakeholders in user-friendly formats.” The dashboard is still a work in progress, and the ODOE will continue to update the site over time.